Thursday, February 25, 2010







Maybe I am a girl

I feel down within few seconds

Random Stuff During SEP 3

Hardworking Norwegian?!

Just back from Heat and Mass Transfer, the 2nd last lab in NTNU, I have a funny Norwegian labmate. When I told him that I found Norwegians are hardworking, he is so shock. Haha...

True! I can see them studying in library early in the morning and it is only week 3(their school calendar follow the true calendar, so week3 = week2 in nus)! But normally the local admit they are slacker, perhaps they really know how to enjoy their life!

Work from 8am-4pm, and their life started after 4pm. Fishing, skiing and others activities after work!

A bit racist now, ahneh is the laziest lah XD Talk cock only!

P/s: the nice Argentina lab staff treat me a cup of coffee! and willing to stay for 1 more hour until we finish our lab discussion even though we should leave at 3pm!

p/s2: the local lab staff here mostly cant speak english well... so... OMG!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Essential male friends

A guide to which guys you need in your life. Girls, read up and learn.
It is important to have a variety of friends throughout our lives, especially ones which we know we can go to when we need a pick-me-up, some advice or common sense, someone to hang out with and keep us company or to have a good old flirt with.

Many women have their girlfriends as their confidents and close advisors, but some guys are just as good at dishing out the advice and compliments when we need them. Despite being let down some of the time by many of their fellow male comrades, there are some guys that can make us feel great.

The adventurer

This is probably a guy that you could have met on a holiday or have known from school or college. In your mind, he is the memory maker. He is someone that exudes fun and when you are around him, you know you will never be bored. He has a plethora of fun ideas up his sleeves to keep everyone entertained.

He will no doubt, push you out of your comfort zone, but you will afterwards appreciate it and learn that there is always time from wild exploits. This isn’t a guy that you will be able to turn down as he is always on the move and needs his space.

The platonic friend with no sexual tension

While you are obviously aware he is of the opposite sex, there is no chance of you jumping in to bed with him. Here’s hoping he feels the same way about you. If this is the case, then this is a measure of testosterone so straightforward and loyal, that nothing (apart from maybe a new girlfriend) will blemish it.

Most importantly, this male friend can strip away man-talk and give you the reality in bite-sized nuggets of so-called male wisdom. Without a whisper of an ulterior motive. He’s like a brother from another mother and a guy that you can jump into bed and watch a film knowing that there won’t be any wandering hands.

The platonic friend with sexual tension

You have wild fantasies about this guy and while you love to think about them, it is not something that you would act on. And that is a good thing as there is a valid reason why the two of you haven’t reached ‘that point of no return’. You know at the end of the day, that it isn’t a great idea and one that will ruin a perfectly good and fun friendship.

However, that doesn’t mean you can’t fit in some thinly veiled compliments and revel in delight in his faux-jealousy when you complain about jerks. It’s like a cheap (but oh so yummy) fast food burger. Harmless in small doses.

The charmer

Flirting with someone, or having someone flirt with you is an instant pick-me-up and therefore, it is essential to have a male friend that is a smooth talker and charmer. We all have our off days and knowing that we have someone in our address book that gives out flirtatious and positive comments like nobody’s business, is great to have around.

A little harmless flirting never hurt anyone, especially when you know it isn’t going anywhere and it's just a bit of fun to have.

Valued friend

There are some guys that we meet and know are going to be great friends for a long time. So many people come in and out of our lives and it is sometimes hard to keep in touch with everyone. However, this person is someone who has added value to your life. He is the man with good values, virtues, upbringing, disciplined and focus.

They are the type of men that make you realise your dreams in a positive way without soiling your hands or delving into immorality and evil lifestyle and reaffirm your faith that there are good men out there that you can date... but not this one. He is there as a friend and advisor.

The totally honest guy

The thing is, with girls, they don’t always tell each other the whole honest truth when it comes to opinions on what they are wearing, other girls and of course, men. Girls, can of course, be a bit catty amongst one another and rivalry can be high, even with close friends. On the other hand, they can be tactful among one another so as not to hurt one another’s opinions: “that’s not weight you have put on, it’s just a bit of water retention.”

A guy can tell us straight without making us feel so offended. They are simple creatures and tell things how they are and how they see them, like: “Hmm, you’re looking a bit frumpy today” or “you know the guy you are dating is a .......” It’s not always what we want to hear, but a male friend like this is honest and straight to the point. No beating around the bush.

He is also your gateway to how men think, but more importantly, how men see you; both of which are extremely useful sources of information to get your hands on.

The gay friend

This one is so clear it borders on cliché. What are we saying? It is a cliché, but dry spells and gay friends go together like champagne and strawberries. Nobody is better to have a good b*tch session with and lament the evils of men while watching reruns of 'Sex and the City'.

Gay guys are still guys, too. Same state of mind, just a mixture of girls-in-hot-tub and muscle-boys-on-sports-field. You get the idea, and thankfully, that aggression will never be directed toward you and you get the best of both worlds.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Random Stuff During SEP 2

Kiasu-ness can be found in anywhere, including Norway!
This is true as i heard from my friend:"We(Norwegian) will also chiong for free stuff!"
And you can see many people standing in front of booth(eg. career fair) taking free chocolate sweets, coffee, or free gift!
The most luxurious free gift i saw is LAPTOP BAG! OMG!
But i din get 1 as in it may end up been threw into dustbin when i going back Malaysia :P
But I get a bandanna(kerchief) and 2 reflective tape(for safety usage!) :)

Of course u can see many ppl go reception of my hostel to take free condom XD

p/s: CNY eve... hmm miss home & reunion dinner in Kluang...

Friday, February 12, 2010

Random Stuff During SEP 1

Dozing off in Lecture Theater?
You can hardly see angmohs fall asleep during class.
Instead of this, they like to eat something, esp gals like to eat raw carrot! or drawing on the notes, guys always draw d*cks. (They will even draw on the assignment cover page!) WTF

p/s: Chinese New Year coming soon! Happy Tiger Year everyone (:

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


跟那种女生在一起时,会有种温暖的感觉,那感觉并不出自激情的感动, 而是来自于彼此心灵的了解。
有很多人都为交不到女朋友所苦, 但有女朋友真的很好吗? 与其狂烈的追求,相恋如蜜,还不如交个好朋友,淡淡的,却很甘美

女生说............. 有一些男生,很令我动心,但不动情, 怎么说呢? 因为他们给我的感觉像朋友,真正的朋友。
我可以和他们很坦诚的谈论彼此的爱情观、婚姻观, 以及种种的人生问题。在他们面前, 我会忘记自己是女生,就不会撒娇、嫉妒、耍心眼, 我和他们各站在天平的两端。
我们可以一同看电影、郊游回来, 在车站挥挥手,各自去等自己的车,走自己的路。 这种感觉好极了! 我觉得自己很有尊严,人的尊严。 信不信?
跟这些男生相处在一起,甚至比跟同类的女生相处来的愉快。 女生的聚会,是黏稠稠的,像一锅浓粥,温暖在胸,但是吃多了会撑,一眨眼又饿,而且很多女生都为情所困,谈来谈去总是心有千千结,别人管也管不完。

我是这样着迷于他们高贵的气质, 也感谢他们把我当「朋友」看待,不因为我是女生,就随便说些甜言蜜语来哄我,或者根本不睬我
如果,追求人生的伴侣也必须如此相知相惜,那我实在「舍不得」把这些男生当成男朋友。我害怕一旦变成男女朋友,我就会计较他不送我回家、他不说些好听的动心话,他宁可送我「尼采与上帝」也不送一朵小花…… 我还担心从此他只要我乖乖的陪在一旁,微笑地看他在众人间侃侃而谈;我发问的机会都没有,遑论有所质疑。

似乎两人之间只要渗入感情元素,气氛就不一样了。比如去看一场好电影,有几对情侣在互相依偎陶醉之余, 还能正襟危坐的讨论那场电影的成就? 在无声胜有声的时刻,那实在太无趣了。
何况,男女朋友总会呕气,甚至最后各奔前程,这就更无趣了. 爱情消逝,友情也跟着淡漠。说什么「我们仍然是好朋友」,都是鬼话 就算这不是一厢情愿找台阶下,而是双方共同的心愿,这心愿也太残忍一点,何苦把自己逼到那么窘迫的境地!
分手而后重逢,能说些什么呢?「纵使相逢应不识」 尤其是当对方的身边又多个人的时候。 对这些男生,我的确是心动而不敢、不忍动情。唯恐不小心逾越分际,徒惹一身烦恼。
当然,偶而会有那么几剎那,会情不自禁、悄悄地流露爱慕之意, 他感觉到了,我也感觉到了, 但是握手的瞬间也只是轻微的感觉,当我们抬头再看看澄澈的天空, 以及对望彼此无私的眼眸


这种默契,是属于男女私情之外的,我如此相信。可是在这些男生、这些朋友面前,我却可以松开五花大绑,成为一条无限延长的直线,因为不用费心去画一个圆,或是费心去和另一条直线相交叉,我们只是各自奔跑,志同道合就彼此吸引, 成为两条,甚至一组平行直线,也许不属于同一个平面, 但是彼此知道、看得见、互相扶持、互相敬重。

too tired and lazy to post my life in Norway :p